Mind & Body Wellness
Natural Ingredients For The Win!
I get it, it’s cold out there. There are many cool things that come with the cold (see what I did there?) But it can often be harsh for your skin and face, causing it to feel dry and rough. I personally have very sensitive skin on top of it all, so when it comes to choosing products to use, it can get tricky. There are three products I’ve been using lately that I’ve been super pleased with, and bonus! – they all use natural ingredients. Two of these products were introduced to me by a couple of wonderful, mindful friends. Keep reading to learn more about these new faves…
Two Thousand Nineteen. A Year To Simplify and Thrive.
January 1. It’s a popular day to start fresh, with a clean slate. But it can also be a day that celebrates the continuation of growth. Be proud of what you have already accomplished, and keep adding to those accomplishments. I’m always learning and always growing. So, my intention for 2019, for myself and for my family, is this: SIMPLIFY AND THRIVE. My SIMPLIFY AND THRIVE Intentions As A Mom It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy schedules, the messes and the clutter. I want to embrace the concept that rest and reflection are essential components towards my daily alignment. I want to say no more so…
Give Yourself Grace
You have goals and visions, and so many people, big and small, depend on you. You can be giving it your all everyday and still feel like your coming up short. Give yourself grace. Powerful three words. Grace is how you feel when all is unraveling and at the end you find an unexpected gesture of kindness towards yourself. You slow down and give yourself a break. It heals you like nothing else, so you can begin again or keep going with a calmer and more focused approach. And then, every once in a while, you have those days where you totally nail it, everything. You’ll get a day back like…
The Best Buzz Comes From The Bees
With the cooler weather coming, I always feel my skin starting to get a bit dryer. Hydration is key for a healthy, younger looking glow. For the past several years I have been using a quick and easy DIY face mask, right in the comfort of my own home. It leaves my skin feeling clean, refreshed and rehydrated. The recipe involves just a few clean and pure ingredients that are great for your skin. Read on about this effective and efficient face mask, and treat yourself to your own little spa sesh tonight! Pure Local Honey One of the key ingredients for this face mask is good ole pure honey. …
Feel to Heal
I’m all about the attitude of gratitude – finding the good, even when it’s hard to see. It can be extremely hard to do sometimes, but I try – that’s just my own personal philosophy (and I get that from my Mama). But the reality is that life isn’t always sunshine and flowers all the time, and that’s ok too. It’s so important to acknowledge, nurture and respect your feelings when you feel overwhelmed or defeated. Those feelings are valid and in order to move onward and upward we need to “feel to heal” – it’s essential for our overall wellbeing and it’s just as important as seeing the good and…
Breathe. Exhale. Repeat.
Mindful breathing is convenient and practical. It brings you back to the present and helps you see the big picture. I know there are days that I find myself feeling overwhelmed, defeated, and loosing sight of what really matters. Focused, mindful breathing helps reduce stress and anxiety; it alters your mental state and balances your emotions (fear, anger, sadness, joy). It decreases hyperactivity in the brain. It provides you with a deeper opportunity to center the mind and allows you to concentrate on the tasks at hand; bringing you to a place of balance and reason. It improves your own sense of well being by bringing a state of calmness.…
What’s All The Buzz All About?
It’s that time of year again. The weather is warmer, you’re outside so much more, and many of your evening activities are starting to be outdoors as well. Those bugs are going to be coming atcha full force and your want to be sure to protect yourself and your skin. There’s so many different types of bug sprays out there, and it can be overwhelming and expensive to try and figure out which ones are going to work the best. Throughout the years I think I’ve tried just about all of them. It got a little tricky when my kids were babies because there’s so many ingredients out there that…
Water Does A Body Good
Staying well hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body! And it’s basically free! How It All Started For Me Having a glass of water used to be the last thing on my list. I just wasn’t a fan. I mean, it was tasteless and boring to me. I actually started drinking more water when I was pregnant – not because I craved it, but because it was good for the baby and overall pregnancy. Then after my babies were born, I nursed, and again drank a ton of water – not because I wanted to, but to help keep my milk supply up. Once…
Apples To Oranges
It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others. It’s something we just do, and usually too often. Think back to when you were little, we did it then too – maybe feeling down because we didn’t have something new and cool someone else had. As we became adults, those same insecurities and inadequate feelings are still alive and kickin’ in our daily lives. Whether it be at work, as a business owner, at home, as a parent, as a mother, as a friend…we all find ourselves comparing from time to time. So why do we do it? Sometimes I feel it’s instinctual – to constantly want more and the best…
Movement Creates A Calmer, Centered Self
The connection between mind and body is real folks, and it’s amazing! Your mind is one of your most powerful tools. When you mentally feel better and less stressed, you are more productive, you can think clearly, and your whole universe just seems to be in sync. Movement can make this all possible and can reflect your well-being and mood in positive ways. Meditative Movement Even the simplest body movements can be highly effective in releasing tension in the mind. Think about how good it feels to take that first morning stretch. You already feel more awake afterwards, energy is already starting to flow. Get to know and feel your…