Mind & Body Wellness

Two Thousand Nineteen. A Year To Simplify and Thrive.

January 1. It’s a popular day to start fresh, with a clean slate. But it can also be a day that celebrates the continuation of growth. Be proud of what you have already accomplished, and keep adding to those accomplishments. I’m always learning and always growing. So, my intention for 2019, for myself and for my family, is this: SIMPLIFY AND THRIVE.  


It’s so easy to get caught up in the busy schedules, the messes and the clutter. I want to embrace the concept that rest and reflection are essential components towards my daily alignment.

I want to say no more so I can say yes to what really matters to me.  I want to practice presence. These days won’t last forever and nothing is more important to my family (and myself) than being 100% here in the moment. I want to always take note of what I’m grateful for, and breath into the stressful, chaotic times. Lastly, I want to recognize that every morning I get open two gifts – they are my eyes.

My SIMPLIFY AND THRIVE Intention For My Family

Minimize. Strive to edit down “the busy” and open up space for more clarity and peace. It can help manage stress, anxiety, and boost productivity, especially with kids.

Minimize and declutter. Purge, donate, and evaluate. Decide what can come in. Do we really need this? Probably not. Stop buying stuff – so much stuff. We truly don’t NEED much. I feel each member of this family should have a few awesome items, that they can call their own, that’s all theirs. Things they need to be mindful of and take care of and be responsible for. 

Pull the plug! This is incredibly difficult in our house, we are all guilty of too much screen time. There’s video game fever going on right now. And I know I personally need to put down my phone more – especially between the hours of 3:00pm-8:00pm, when my attention is needed the most. I’d like to try and start incorporating a few nights a week of no evening TV. I know, schedules are insane and you might be juggling multiple children. But instead of throwing on the TV, use that time to still be present, play a fun game, connect. Even if for only 15-20 minutes.  

I’m going to stick with this and keep trying this plan. The more you do something, the more it becomes routine, right? 

Say no. Maybe you’ll be the odd ones out some days. But be mindful and notice your families needs. Are your kids overwhelmed? Going places and feeling rushed may not be the right choice that day. Create a peaceful space at home and connect for a little while. There will be plenty other opportunities in the future. 

Set yourself up for success. There are definitely other ways I’d like to minimize and simplify our daily routines this year. But I’m starting small and sprinkling in new ‘simplify and thrive’ intentions as the year progresses. I’m going to start with what I mentioned above and keep at it! I’d love to update you throughout the year about what’s working and what can use adjustments. Happy 2019 everyone! I’m grateful I get to kick off a new year with my amazing family!