Home Decor

Step Into My office And Pull Up A Seat

The kitchen. Yes, I call it my office.  It’s where I take care of business. Not only is it a gathering space, and where I prep all meals and snacks; it’s where I do all the kid’s paperwork, take calls, and reply to texts and emails. I do it all right up at the kitchen island.  I have things organized a certain way and I manage my household from this space most days.  To sum things up, I spend an insane amount of time in the kitchen.  And sometimes I just need a little change now and then to keep things fresh! My well loved wooden kitchen island stools had been the same colors since my youngest was born, nearly 6 years ago, and they needed a facelift.

Before picture – yellow, navy, light blue and orange stools

Sometimes the quickest and easiest way to hit that refresh button is with some good ole paint.

Those Colors Though

So, pretty much most anyone can handle repainting some wooden stools. That’s pretty straight forward, and you may even be able to employ some help from the little ones in the house.

The challenging part can be finding the right colors that work together in harmony, in your space, and that make you feel happy. In my case, I really like the idea of each stool having its own color. I think it makes the space fun and welcoming. The colors I had worked great for many years, but now I wanted to find 4 different colors that complement each other in a way that makes me smile. 

Get Your Inspo

I often save images that I see that really speak to me and inspire me.  It’s something I’ve done for years.  Sometimes I’ll see something out and about and snap a picture.  But more often than not, I gather so much inspiration from Instagram accounts that I follow.  Instagram is such an incredible resource for gathering ideas. One favorite account of mine is Amanda Rydell https://www.instagram.com/amandarydell/

Her fun sense of colors and crafts is incredible! It’s like, I never would think to pair some colors together, but she nails it.  Here are some images from her account that I adore.

Now, for about the past year, I’ve been drawn to a certain set of colors – they are natural, soothing and organic. I began seeing these hues on another Instagram account that I follow, named shopliv3 https://www.instagram.com/shopliv3/

They have so many inspiring images.  It’s a sweet and lovely clothing shop out in California, and these owners just have a beautiful sense of color harmony in my opinion.  Everything they post I am drawn to! Here are just a few stunners.

Drum roll….I decided on these 4 colors for my stools!

Getting Down To Work

I was off to the paint store and got to work.

This definitely could have been a day project, but I spread it out over a long weekend as time permitted.

Before I knew it, my little refresh button was hit and I sat back, smiled and felt happy…my office has been revamped! It’s all about those colors!