Apples To Oranges
It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others. It’s something we just do, and usually too often. Think back to when you were little, we did it then too – maybe feeling down because we didn’t have something new and cool someone else had. As we became adults, those same insecurities and inadequate feelings are still alive and kickin’ in our daily lives. Whether it be at work, as a business owner, at home, as a parent, as a mother, as a friend…we all find ourselves comparing from time to time. So why do we do it? Sometimes I feel it’s instinctual – to constantly want more and the best for ourselves. Sometimes I feel it’s our personalities – we might be competitive by nature and want to be just as “great” as someone else (or as someone else appears to be).
Why We Shouldn’t
As Roosevelt said, “Don’t let comparison be the thief of joy”. There are so many things you have worked hard for and have earned through dedication and focus. You should be proud! Maybe you rose above a negative situation for yourself; maybe you worked your butt off for something really important to you, and you should be excited about that. If you constantly compare, you rob yourself of these joys and these moments. It can start to effect others in your life as well; your family, your kids. If you’re too busy wanting and worrying about more and feeling down about what you don’t have – then you miss all the little awesome moments that are happening right in front of you, that you actually do have.
3 Things To Help
One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes things aren’t always as they seem with others. We may think someone has it all together, or has everything going for them; but you don’t really know their own struggles. Maybe they feel insecure too, you never know what’s really going on in someone else’s life, so I feel it’s always best to try and be kind instead of jealous. You have a lot of great stuff going for you as well. Another way I like to reel myself back in from feeling inadequate is to write down my strengths and all the things that make me proud and excited. After I write them down, I take a minute and remember how hard I worked or how great I felt when they were accomplished. It starts to bring back those feelings of pride for me. We all have something to write down and there are so many people who are grateful we are exactly who we are right now.
Lastly, I like to take a deep breath, and tell myself “I’m doing my thing, the best I can, and that makes me happy”. You have your own story. It’s unique. Let it shine!
I’m grateful for all the people in my life who help me realize I am exactly where I should be right now.
Love your Roosevelt quote! Could not agree more!!
Amy 🙂
This Grateful Girl
Awe thank you Amy! It’s so true!